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Category: Announce, Crafts, Paper craft

“Paper craft : Houses (two-story) and dolls” and “Paper craft: Shop01” were added to Items. “How to organize used garland” is added to Learn.

Completed photo of a two-story house 08 ©︎2003 kids-idea.com
Completed photo of a two-story house 08 ©︎2003 kids-idea.com

Two paper crafts were added to Items.
We’d like to suggest those who made “House01-07” to make “Paper craft : Houses (two-story) and dolls.”
This house has steps.
Making the steps is a little challenging.
You need to repeat the same process.
As we introduce in Have a happy crafting time with paper houses and dolls, the house won’t be nice if you don’t complete each process correctly.
You need to be patient but can feel more joy when you finish it.
You may want to just look at the stairs for a while.
It may be difficult, but why not enjoy the joy of achievement?
You can find these products in “Items”.

Completed photo of Paper Craft Shop 01 ©︎2003 kids-idea.com
Completed photo of Paper Craft Shop 01 ©︎2003 kids-idea.com

This post explains how to store garlands after you use it for events such as Halloween and Christmas season.
We hope this helps you a lot!

Photos of Garland saved in a clear file. ©︎2023 kids-idea.com
Photos of Garland saved in a clear file. ©︎2023 kids-idea.com

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Tags: #Decorations #Paper Crafts #Seasonal Crafts